
Volker Gueldenpfennig

SAP Service Marketplace

Kernel Patches

Support Packages

SAPGui Patches

SAP ITS Patches


Notes // Side-Effects

SAP Kernel Programs

SAP Online Help PDFs





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!!! Activate your Single Sign On (SSO) in order to remove the many passwords requests !!!
Activate SSO     


SAP delivers the new SAPGUI 7.10 - and it is really stable !

SAP now delivers the long term supported SAPGUI 7.10. As 6.40 runs out of maintenance in 12/2006, it might be useful for you to update to this level.

Have a quick look at all Support Package Stacks

SAP provides Support Package Stacks in order to maintain all SAP systems easier and more reliable.

Now this really good overview is directly available as follows:


New Release Service Tools for Applications (ST-A/PI) 01H* of addon ST-A/PI is available

SAP offers the new version 01H* of the ST-A/PI toolset which becomes a requirement for all customer as of 15th June 2006.

6.20 Kernel Patches are no Longer Available at SAP

SAP ended the maintenance for the 6.20 Kernel as the 6.40 Kernel is fully downward compatible with the 30.06.2005. Since then no 6.20 patches are avaiable any more.

List of all ISO Codes with Country Names in English and German for the TLDs

ISO Codes build the basis of the top level domains (TLD, TLDs) with their domain suffix. Here you can find out the country for each of them.

Hot News: RSBTCDEL deletes more jobs than it should in 4.6C up to 6.40 & 7.00 (note 837691)

SAP created a hot news, because the reorg job for batch jobs "sometimes" - obviously somehow in the support packages SAPKB46C50 und SAPKB62050 - deletes a lot more than expected and therefore deletes data.
So, it is strongly recommended to ...

All SAP Transaction Codes with Report and Description

Here you can see all SAP transaction codes and the called reports including a short header description.

ASCII & EBCDIC Code Page Overview for Nearly all Single Byte Code Pages in PDFs

PDF Files show each character of each ASCII & EBCDIC code page. So, you can find the hex codes of your desired character very easy.

SAP Security Check - Vulnerability is Everywhere a Problem - Detect it Now !

SAP offers a new remote service focused on the security settings of customer installations. With this service the vulnerability of SAP systems can be strongly reduced.

SAP Changes the Dial In Number for ISDN sapserv3 Dial In at 1.1.2005 !

SAP reduces a lot of phone numbers for the sapserv3 dial in to Walldorf and replaces this with one unique number +49 180 1 SAPNET.

SAP did several changes to the SAP Service Marketplace

The Download Center in the SAP Service Marketplace has been changed. Therefore the links were changed as well.

Bücher-Forum - die freundliche Buchhandlung in St.Ingbert im Saarland (german bookshop)

Die nette & junge Buchhandlung, die sich um jeden Kunden individuell kümmert und auch alle Bücher ohne Mindestbestellwert bundesweit kostenlos versendet.

SAPNet R/3 Frontend (OSS) SAP Message Paste - cut&paste your memos to SAP OSS very easy into the short OSS fields

Text pad converter to insert line-break suited for SAPNet R/3 Frontend (OSS, Online Service System) memos.

All SAP User Exits (SMOD/CMOD) on one view

SAP uses an User Exit (SMOD/CMOD) in order to make an enhancement of customers a lot more convenient. There are very many user exits available within SAP.

All the SAP Online Help in PDFs - Very Easy to Find - A Really Good Tutorial ...

SAP Online Help (which is not in PDF files) can be printed only relatively complex and be found even sometimes as well. Therefore these PDFs are very helpful and they are a good tutorial for users. (Attention: This website is about 170KB large!)

Display any SAP Note Immediately via Note Number!

Sometimes you know the SAP note number already, but have to issue many clicks until you reach the contents. Here you see the solution ...

SPAM Problems could occur with different kernel patches ...

In order to not risk inconsistent nametabs, you should check your kernel level for an "bad level".

Logon to the SMP with your mail adress and get notified by SMS or mail when a ticket goes to customer action !

Just edit the mail adress or cellphone number of your cellphone (unfortunately only D1 & D2 in germany) in your S-user data and then you become informed automatically!

But for mail notification this feature works worldwid ...

!!! New free maintenance extension from SAP for several products !!!

SAP extends the maintenance for several products (e.g. R/3 4.6C, BW, ...) at no extra charge in order to support the customers in using the investments for a longer period of time.

SAP Kernel Programs - the most interesting ones ... (dw, tp, r3trans, sapinst, r3load, r3setup, ...)

This website gives an overview on the most often used, needed and patched SAP Executables, so that you can get an overview where they are used for and how to update them.

'7-Zip' - a totally free file archiver with highest compression ratio - far better than WinZip

7-Zip has highest Compression ratios, is totally free, supports e.g. ZIP, CAB, RAR, ARJ, GZIP, TAR, 7z, compresses better than WinZip even in ZIP Files and has several more nice features.

Design change of the Easy-Marketplace

we decided to change the default design. Now, it is more streamline with the famous and very good website www.sapgenie.com.
If you prefer the "old fashioned way" e.g. because of ...

SAPCAR (CAR) - the ZIP-Utility of SAP - How does it work ?

SAPCAR (older version was called CAR) is a compress utility (similar to winzip, tar, etc.), that is used by SAP to compress and decompress nearly all delivered files.

Sorry for the offline time on friday and saturday of this web-page

We are hosting our web-site at the cheap and by now very stable provider Global Interactive.
They are running the environment on Linux. Unfortunately there came up a "root exploit" a few days ago and ...

Old Support Packages and EXT Kernels are available again

SAP moved all Patches again to useful positions on the Service Marketplace, where it is able to find them. We updated all the links on this page as well so that you can access everything very easy as used to.

Attention when looking for Support Packs or Kernel Patches !!!

SAP moved all Patches (Support packages & Kernel Patches) for 3.1I up to 4.6B to special Archive areas ! For more information read here.

Happy new Year 2004 !!!

The Easy Marketplace Team wishes everybody a happy new year 2004 and that as many of your wishes as possible become true.

Your Easy Marketplace Team

Print your detail pages of the Easy Marketplace with a printer friendly layout

Printer friendly layout is now supported on every detail page of the Easy Marketplace. 
On every detail page, you will find a link "[Print It!]" in the top. If you hit on this link, a new window opens with jus ...

You want to check all runtime objects and database objects for consistency ?

SAP SE11 can show you per table the consistency of the runtime and database obejects. If you want to do this for all tables, you should have a look at report RUTMSJOB - for sure run it in background (DDIC Check, nametab).< ...

SAP R/3 4.6C SP45 and Performance Problems ?

If you see performance problems after implementing Support Package 45 (SP45) in 4.6C or SP 14 in 4.70 in the reporting area, you should have a special look at ...

SAP R3up Upgrade Alert Monitoring for everybody for free - and this even without using UA!

SAP provides an R3up Upgrade Alert Monitoring for the Upgrade Assistent. This is an Exit for a Trigger Program, that will be called in case of an Alert.

Find all transactions in the SAP Menu Tree - sometimes difficult - now very easy ...

If you are searching for special SAP Menu Items and do not know the transaction code or the exact position in the menu tree, it is always a bit complex - but now very easy!

Just try the following transactions:
- ...

PDF Creation from all SAP Spools - just with a single Standard ABAP !

Report RSTXPDFT4 does everything for you!
Just use SA38 or SE38 and run the report RSTXPDFT4. If you want to use this functionality through your whole company it might be useful to create a transaction for it in order to make it ...

Who Is Search - Search for the Owner of every Domain in the World Wide Web

You are interested to know which company or person is behind a new found domain ? Just use the WhoIs service for every Top Level Domain.

'Easyzip 2000' - the freeware alternative to WinZip for creating your ZIP files

ZIP tools were really a great innovation within the last 10 years. They are able to compress text by factor 10 and most EXE files by about factor 2. The most often used tool is definetely Winzip. But, as it is shareware (and not too che ...

Support Releases and corresponding Support Package status

If you want to know with what Support Package level the SAP Installation or Upgrade Kits for the different releases are shipped with, you should have a look at

Problems with the Java usage during the upgrade to 4.7 R/3 Enterprise or other 6.20 based products ?

If you are upgrading to a 6.20 based product, R3UP needs Java by default as described in the SAP upgrade manual, even when it is not really used. If you should run into problems with this, you could use the following environment variable in or ...

FreePDF 2.0 - Create your PDFs for free without any advertisment !!!

Download of a free tool, that creates any PDFs on your PC. This works similar to Adobe Acrobat.

Interested in Preventing Unwanted Side Effects Caused by SAP Notes ?

A new reporting tool is now available on the SAP Service Marketplace that helps you protect your SAP solution from unwanted side effects that can occasionally occur after you have applied Support Packages or SAP Notes.

Benefit from the new concept of 'SAP Support Package Stacks' !

The SAP Support Package strategy will be extended for certain product versions to Support Package Stacks (SP Stacks).

Make use of the new 'SAP Product Availability Matrix'

The Product Availability Matrix bundles technical and release planning information on SAP components for quick reference.

New site www.EasyMarketplace.de running ...

Because of the high usage and the feedback we decided to combine the website www.4soi.de and www.4asu.de on www.easymarketplace.de and enhance this service for you.
This site is now no longer only static HTML, but is running based on PHP & MyS ...

SAProuter Installation with SNC via the Internet - reduce your costs !

SAProuter & Internet - Reduce your monthly costs with setting up the support connection to SAP via the internet with SNC and therefore completely 128 Bit encrypted.

Get the good Text-Editor Textpad

Textpad - Free Download of a very useful and powerful Text-Editor for your PC. (ultraedit, notepad, wordpad, sappad)

PDF995 - Create any PDFs at your PC free of charge!

Free Download of a small tool, that creates any PDFs on your PC for free. This works similar to Adobe Acrobat.

Get rid of your CapsLock Key!

You want to remove the Capslock key as well because it ONLY creates trouble and no advantage ? Then you should activate the small registry file on this website.

Are you looking for SAP Education Classes ?

Are you looking for SAP Education Classes ?


Web-Seite und Wappen der Familie Ruth & Hermann Sudhoff in Neuss

Hier bzw. auf www.ruthhermann.de kann man sich über die Familie Ruth & Hermann Sudhoff in Neuss erkundigen.

Holzhandlung Friederichs - Holz Mönchengladbach - Ihr kompetenter Partner in Rheydt

Holz ... starke Ideen in Holz - Holzhandlung Friederichs in Mönchengladbach ist auch der starken Holzland-Genossenschaft angeschlossen. Damit können wir Ihnen beste Ware zu bezahlbaren Preise immer schnell anbieten.

You are searching for any SAP Documentation ?

You are searching for any SAP Documentation ?
(This link is available in the launchpad on the left as well now.)


You are searching for an SAP Class ?

Search any SAP Course here !
(This link is available in the launchpad on the left as well now.)

Really good page for DB2 UDB for Unix and NT Customers!!!


Problems with the Internet speed to SAP via the Service Marketplace (SMP) ?

If you are experienceing slow access to SAP Web-Sites, this can be caused due to several reasons. In order to support customers in optimizing this, there is a special componente "XX-SER-SAPSMP-ACC" (SAP Service Marketplace - Access) for measur ...



Volker Sudhoff aus Neuss, AvH, Abi88, Albert-Schweitzer-Grundschule

Volker Sudhoff - diese Website ist für alle, die den neuen Nachnamen GÜLDENPFENNIG von Volker nicht kennen :-(((

Abi 88 - Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium (AvH), Neuss - Abitur 1988

Dieses soll die Web-Seite mit allen Adressen der Abi88 Stufe werden. Sollte sich bei Euch seit 1988 die Adresse geändert haben, bitte unbedingt melden! Danke, Volker

Creation of this site in the SAPGenie.com area

This site www.SAPGenie.com/4asu went life in November 2002.

Birkenstock Schuhe - Der Versandkostenfreie Online Shop für alle Birkstock Modelle

Im Schuh-Werk gibt es alle Birkenstock Schuhe & Sandalen & Sandaletten - einfach das komplette Programm zu sehr günstigen Preisen.

Ohrstöpsel aus Silikon - die sichere Alternative durch Ohrstöpsel der neuesten Generation

Wellnoise Ohrstöpsel - hier bekommen Sie die in Tests immer am besten abschneidenden Ohrstöpsel. Einfach Ohrstöpsel der neuesten Generation.

Ohrenstöpsel aus Silikon - die sichere Alternative durch Ohrenstöpsel der neuesten Generation

Wellnoise Ohrenstöpsel - hier bekommen Sie die in Tests immer am besten abschneidenden Ohrenstöpsel. Einfach Ohrenstöpsel der neuesten Generation.

Himatrek - Von Nepal in das Himalaya ...

Vom subtropischen Dschungel bis hinauf zu den glitzernden über 8.000 m emporragenden Eisriesen des Himalaya erwartet Sie in Nepal eine atemberaubende Landschaft und Kultur.

Apothekenkarten - Gesundheitskarten - der günstige und zuverlässige Lieferant

Wir bieten Ihnen Apothekenkarten, gestaltet vollständig nach Ihren Wünschen, sehr günstig und zuverlässig an.

Pension Rosi - Bad Grönenbach - Hotel Garni Rosi Brommler - Kurlaub - Haus Rosi

Pension Rosi im Kneipp-Kurort Bad Grönenbach - das ideale Hotel Garni für einen günstigen Kurlaub in gemütlicher Atmosphäre mit Pool & Sauna im Hause.

KremminIT - IT-Consulting Carsten Kremmin - Ihr Dienstleister durch die IT-Kommunikationslandschaften

Als ein modernes Unternehmen wollen wir Sie gerne auch online mit allen Informationen rund um unsere IT-Dienstleistungs Angebote versorgen.

Schauen Sie doch einfach mal rein unter:

IT ...

DCW Anwendergruppe - Austauschen von allen Problemen und Fragen rund um DCW Software

- Gründung einer neuen und unabhängigen DCW Anwendergruppe (DCW Usergroup) -

DCW Software mit Sitz in Mannheim ist eine Firma, die eine auf der AS/400, iSeries, von ...

WELLNOISE Silikon Ohrenstopfen - ENERGIZER Hörgerätebatterien - AUTODROP

Wellneuss - der faire Partner im Gesundheitsmarkt für WELLNOISE Silikon Ohrenstopfen, ENERGIZER Hörgerätebatterien und AUTODROP-Applikationshilfe.

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