dw - disp+work - Dispatcher & Workprocess - "The complete Kernel" - Here the complete ABAP is processed ...
Get information on the disp+work in an SAP System. How to get the latest patches ? What is dw about ?
SAP Kernel Programs
disp+work in a SAP System
A SAP system consists in general of one dispatcher per instance, that just handles the communication to the frontends (SAPgui) and many workprocesses, that get the "work" dispatched from the dispatcher and connect to the database and process all the ABAP coding. As the lib_dbsl connects to the database since 4.5A, the disp+work is only OS dependent, but no longer database-dependent.
So, the dispatcher is does the work-dispatching and the workporcesses are doing the real work. The program, that is doing all this is called "disp+work", "dw" or "disp+work.exe" depending on the platform.
The name of the program suggests already, that the dispatcher and all workprocesses are using the same executable. This is totally correct. A flag insite the process is controling if it behaves as dispatcher or as workprocess.
As the complete ABAP is processed within the workprocesses, the disp+work is the most critical executable in an SAP System at all. If you have problems with shortdumps, coredumps or something similar, you should have a look for the latest patches for the DW, because it may be corrected in the meantime. These patches are cumulative. That means, that you just install the latest version and benefit automatically from all corrections in between.
How to check the current Kernel Patch Level ?
You go to transaction SM51, select one of the application servers with a "single-click" and hit the "Release Info" button. Then you see in the top area the patch level.
You should compare this with the current patch level at SAP. If the difference is large, you should think on updating this patch, even when you do not have problems at the moment.
How to download the latest version ?
You can download the latest version of all the SAP Executables in the SAP Service Marketplace. As the binaries are different for each platform, you should have a look at the following link:
Download Kernel Patches on the SAP Service Marketplace
If you have some more ideas to this topic, please let us know via the Feedback Area.
( disp+work.exe )
02/19/2025, 08:45:14