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User Group |
Type |
Description |
Yahoo-Group SAPonSQLServer | Mailinglist | This is a mailinglist for all SAP customers with the platform Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 and MS-SQL-Server from Microsoft. The language is english. There are only a few members in right now. But this group is growing a lot. So, the responses will become beter and more and more. |
Yahoo-Group SAPoniSeries | Mailinglist | This is a mailinglist for all SAP customers with the platform iSeries or AS/400 from IBM. The language is english. There are more than 700 people registered. As these people are spread all over the world, it is often, that you receive a reply very soon, because some member is awake at any time. As the discussions are not only basis related, it may be interesting for other platforms as well, to join this group, because a lot of postings are platform-neutral. It consists of an archive of all old mails, that is available for members - unfortunately the search functionality of yahoo is very poor here and seems only to work on the last months even when everything is still available. The traffic is about 10-15 mails per day. There are several SAP employees registered as well. The knowledge level of the replies is quite high and good. |
basisblog.blogspot.com | Blog | This is a blog on different basis topics. You can have a look there and benefit and contribute to the different topics. Currently the traffic is limited, but it seems to increase in the last time. So, this will become a really interesting basis blob - just go ahead and test it! |
sapgenie.com | SAP Information | This website is a very good source of information in all areas of SAP, that covers a lot of topics. This site is run by a few SAP consultants, that can be hired there as well. But the information is good and for free there. You can search on that page with the help of yahoo, which makes it very easy to find stuff on the lot of pages as well. |
de.alt.comp.sap-r3 | Newsgroup | This newsgroup is the only newsgroup, that we found, that deals with SAP systems of all platforms and has a lot of traffic. The language is unfortunately mostly german. But, if you poste in english, you will receive replies in english as well. This list seems to be used from a lot of knowledged people, so that you can expect some useful replies very often. As it is mostly a german newsgroup, the traffic mostly runs on german business hours. |
de.alt.comp.sap-r3 at Google | Newsgroup via Web | Google collects the postings of nearly every newsgroup. So, you can access these groups here without the need of a newsreader or news-server, that may be blocked because of your firewalls. |
www.sap-db2.de | SAP Information | This website is a real good source of information in english for all users of DB2 UDB for Unix and Windows. This site contains a lot of ressources in this area and includes interactive discussions and so on. Just perfect is the DB2 UDB Download Overview page !!! |
www.sapfans.com | Discussion Forum | This is a website in England (?), that contains a lot information around SAP. As major part, there are "User Forums", where you can write entries and reply. As this forum is visited from a lot of people, you often get an useful answer. The language is english. As all the old questions are in an archieve (except the ones that were lost during the last server crashes because of missing backups), it is a real good source of information. |
sap.ittoolbox.com | SAP Information / Mailing Lists | This is a website, contains a lot information around SAP. The information is really good structured, so that you can find things fast. It offers Mailings Lists to different topics where you can subscribe. The advantage is, that parts of the responses are available later on in the information area. The disadvantage is that this group is fully moderated and so mails sometimes wait to become delivered. As this website & the lists have a lot of members, you can expect good answers to your questions. |
www.sap-img.com | SAP Information | This is a website, contains a lot information around SAP as well. The information is really good structured, so that you can find things fast. It covers a lot of modules and tries to help you with your questions. As soon as the level of expertise is reached where this site can help, it suggests an interesting book in that area for further reading - as this is done so often and always linked to Amazon.com, this seems to be one part of refinancing this website. |
www.abaps.de | SAP Information / Forum | This website is a real good source for special ABAPs that you may need because of missing functionality in the SAP Standard. You can share your special ABAPs there as well. All code is free on this site. Additionally there is a forum on various SAP topics as well. Unfortunately this website is in german only. |
www.4ap.de | SAP Information | This website is a real good source of information in german(!), if you start more or less new with SAP, because the author really tried to explain a lot of the general SAP (basis) functionality and always gives useful links to SAP notes or links to the SAP Service Marketplace. Unfortunately this website is in german only. |
groups.google.com | Search Engine | Google tries to search through all newsgroups wordwide and archives them. So, you can search on this page with a really good full text search engine on all archived newsgroups. First, you get hits on newsgroups, so that you could subscribe them yourself. Second you get postings with your words insite. |
Yahoo-Group sap-r3 | Mailinglist | This is a mailinglist for all SAP customers worldwide. The language is english. There are more than 900 people registered. Unfortunately the traffic is only about 1-3 mails per day. |
Yahoo-Group SAPonzSeries | Mailinglist | This is an englsih mailinglist for users of the platform zSeries or OS/390 from IBM. The traffic is very low at the moment, but it may increase in the next time. It is of interest for DB2 OS/390 users only - but there it may become a good source. |
www.sapTOPsites.com | SAP Information | This website shows you a lot of interesting other SAP-related websites. These ones are ordered descending by the current use. If you vote for this site with the button above, we will reach a higher place in the list as well! |
www.sapfaq.com | Mailinglist | This website guides you in the Technical Support Forums to a lot of mailing lists for different SAP components. The languge is english. At least for the basis area, there is a lot of knowledge available. The traffic there is about 10-20 mails per day. In order to reduce your inbox, you can setup to receive a daily digest as well. Unfortunately this is a moderated group, which is located in the US. So, outsite the US business hours, you can't exchange e-Mails as they are queued. There is an archive function in development, that will be available soon. |
back | 02/19/2025, 10:31:03 |